Top 10 Backend Project Ideas for Beginners portfolio

The internet world is both an extremely helpful, lucrative platform and a tiring, mind-numbing place if you are unaware of what you want.

This is exactly what happens when beginners tend to find project ideas on the internet. You can easily get confused about finding the relevant project ideas.

Especially, if some of the concepts are either too advanced or require more than beginner-level experience.

Backend Project Ideas for Beginners portfolio

However, we understand the hassle that comes with finding the relevant projects. For this reason, we have developed this detailed guide that lists down the top backend project ideas for Beginners.

These ideas are easy to implement and can be maintained if they receive the amount of dedication and concentration they require.

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best 10 Backend Project Ideas for portfolio

1. Class Manager (Student-Teacher Portal)

Class management is a hectic activity that requires great input from the professor. Since class managers are fairly infrequent in the market, if developed correctly, you might become famous given the lack of competition.

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Moreover, the interesting mixture of HTML, CSS, Python, and Django allows you to tap several languages/frameworks and develop a project that looks furnished and can be marketed as a prototype.


2. Grocer

Premium Grocery Shopping application for vendors to allow them to perform basic database operations such as the addition and subtraction of inventory items.

Hence, Grocer primarily targets the effectiveness of data management and how it can be of use for both consumers and vendors.


3. Pinterest Clone

The basic structure of Pinterest makes the app extremely unique and unparalleled to its competition. The coupling of text with images and the accurate placement of tags to help any post rank in the top posts makes the project intriguing.

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If you develop a Pinterest clone, you will learn how to develop an ORM (object-relational mapping) into your back-end. To help you catch up with the industry standards, we have provided you with a demo link of a similar project that will assist you in your quest.


4. Kiosk Management System

Setting up a kiosk is an activity that is fairly common and taps a wider range of markets if you’re showcasing your services/skills to an audience.

For this reason, the development of a kiosk management system will help you analyze and understand how to manage what kind of data and if all kinds of data are beneficial for the product or not.


Marketing 2

5. Restaurant App

If you’re a foodie, developing a restaurant app should be your utmost priority for your project. Since this project has the potential to teach you the scale of managing a restaurant along with the core database functionalities of creating, editing, and deleting information, you can extract extensive benefits from this project.

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6. YouTube Clone

Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to make a YouTube clone as a project? It’s a perfect idea, right? Banking on this supposition, we provide you with the option of developing a YouTube clone.

This clone will help you understand how you manage the uploading of the content of multiple types including text-based content that deals with the title, keywords, and description of your video’s page.

Then comes the two different types of media-related pieces of content that include an image (thumbnail for your video) and the video, itself,

To further understand how the implementation can be done, here’s a link to a similar project to help you grasp the concepts.


7. School Management System

Management system projects are a norm in the field of backend development. Despite their monotonous nature, they are still widely accepted due to the complete portrayal of implementations and working provided.

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For this reason, we would highly recommend you to develop a school management system that will allow you to keep track of multiple factors that include class structures, financial management, and resource allocation.


8. Personal Project Management Tool

If you feel like building something that is more personal, showcases your skills, and lets you experiment with technologies like React and Java (Spring boot), this is the perfect fit for you.

In this project, you will be able to implement CRUD operations, authentication features, and a login module. Thus, it makes a perfect starting point for those seeking a start in their career.


9. Musical Chat

Linking people on the basis of their interests, doesn’t that sound like a next-gen data science project idea? Coincidentally, it falls within the backend field due to the existence and need for chat functionalities.

Hands holding phone with dating app

Since linking people requires expert chat-based functionalities, the motive of developing this project idea is to understand how does real-time data and chat management work.


10. Booking Clone

This BookMyShow clone allows you to experiment with one of the trending frameworks, Django. It allows you to replicate features like a movie filter page, details of the movie, a list of theaters present in the cinema, and much more.

You will also build a booking page by replicating this repository. Thus, explore it today and add something fun and interesting to your CV.


How do you start a backend project? 

You’ll need to define your requirements before you can answer this question. This is the first step in creating any project, so don’t worry if you need help figuring out where to start!

First, think about what problems you’re trying to solve. Are you trying to develop an app? A website? An API? If so, which features are most important?

Why would someone want to use your product? What problems does it solve for them? Decide whether you want to build your own server or use an existing one. If you create your own server, you will need to install the necessary software and configure it.

Which backend framework is best for beginners?

There are a lot of choices for beginners to choose from. The most popular options are:



Ruby/Rails/Ruby on Rails

What are the 3 parts of backend development?

The three major parts are:

Server- The computer that keeps the information about the application’s interactions with multiple users.

Application- It is the application that is going to run on the server and retrieve data from the database.

Database- We use the database to organize and store the data for applications.

how to practice backend development

1. Use the official back-end development tools and frameworks

2. Learn by doing.

3. Go through the tutorials available online and practice with your own code base.


With this detailed list of backend project ideas that provide express information related to multiple ideas, we believe that you can mix them up and develop something along the lines.

The key factor would be how well you can leverage your element of naivety and creativity with the existing project ideas to make it something unique.

Hence, although this would require extra effort, being a beginner, you will like this process of self-development. Moreover, it will be easier to get a job in the relevant field or network with like-minded people by implementing these backend project ideas. 

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